Thursday, May 27, 2010

I love the press releases I get from Springfield police spokesperson Sgt. John Delaney. Here is one I received today:

"Yesterday at 1:39 P.M. an 82 year old female city resident was pulling into the "Bank of America" lot located at 1316 Carew Street. The female was driving her car into the lot to do some banking. Her windows were open because of the heat. The elderly female victim parked her car when an unknown male approached her on the passengers side window. The unknown male asked the female victim if she knew where the Springfield Plaza was? As she turned to point to where it was the thief reached into her car and stole her purse containing $50.00 and all her ATM cards. The thug then ran to a waiting silver colored Jeep Cherokee and fled. There was a witness in the lot who observed the crime and jotted down the plate number. There were three people in the Jeep. The car fled towards Chicopee. Bank employees assisted the victim in canceling her ATM card and the police were called to take the report. As the bank was canceling her card they received information that someone was trying to access her account from an ATM on Springfield St. in Chicopee. The ATM was located at the Honeyland Farm Store. (Later, an employee of the Honeyland stated that all three subjects from the Jeep tried to use the card and one of them told the clerk that their mother gave them the ATM and to buy anything they want. The alert clerk didn't buy this garbage and threw the scum out). The Officers in Springfield broadcast a "lookout" for the Jeep and Officer Edwin Vasquez of the Springfield Police Departments "Ordinance Unit" spotted the Jeep traveling down Newbury Street. He pulled the car over across the Chicopee line. Chicopee PD came to assist and the trio was arrested. The victim made a positive ID. The video at Honeyland Store shows the three brain surgeons trying to use the stolen credit card. The victim ID's and money were recovered in the Jeep. Great job by the victim, the witness, the bank employees and the Springfield and Chicopee P.D. Let hope they throw away the key on these three......
1) Brenda Manchino age 21 of 29 Los Angeles Street
2) James Gelinas age 18 of 29 Los Angeles Street
3) Joseph Martinelli age 19 of 236 Springfield Street, Chicopee ... charges ...
a) Larceny from a Person Over 65 years of age
b) Receiving Stolen Property
* Martinelli had Cocaine on his person (shocking, I know) he was charged with the Poss. of Cocaine also."

And now the best part, the mug shots!

Wait for it...

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!

    Oh my God, that's good stuff.
    I gotta get press releases from Delaney. I love his writing style :-0

    Can you send me is email, Mike?
