Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Odds and ends

Like the new header? It's by my buddy Dogboy Mark Masztal. I love it! Check him out at Barkings

Here comes a parade: Myself (in my summer hat at left) Amanda Lemon (one of our summer interns) and big bad Bill Dusty of The Springfield Intruder heading towards the governor's press conference in the South End's Emerson Wright Park recently.

Setting up at the press conference. I like the woman who is checking out Amanda's iced tea. Out of the Inkwell photos by Mary Cassidy

Look at what's wrong here? This program was from the big ceremony that transferred power from the Finance Control Board back to the city government and someone made quite an error in history.

Samuel Chapin is indeed the guy depicted in the statue but William Pynchon was the founder of Springfield. Should have called me or someone at the Quadrangle.

From the Hadley Flea Market: This building was on Worthington Street and was the home of Good Housekeeping Magazine and other publications.


  1. Does Mary get a commission for her photographs?

  2. I think the header graphic makes you look younger, Mike.
    Much, much younger....

  3. I was being kind. I almost went for the Popeye style.
