Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What Zogby is saying this morning:

"UTICA, New York - Democrat Barack Obama has increased his lead to 11.4 points over Republican John McCain in the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby daily tracking poll -- up from a 7.1 point advantage in yesterday's report. The final tally now stands at 54.1% for Obama compared to 42.7% for McCain.

"Pollster John Zogby: 'Obviously anything can happen on Election Day, but Americans want change and it seems very clear that the historic candidacy of Sen. Obama defines that change.'"


"UTICA, New York - Reuters/Zogby telephone surveys of eight battleground states show Democrat Barack Obama enters Election Day in a very favorable position to be elected President, having made inroads on formerly Republican turf, while GOP candidate John McCain plays defense. Here is the final wrap-up of battleground states in the race for the White House 2008.

"The surveys were conducted from Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, 2008. Sample sizes in each state ranged from 600-605, with a margin of error of +/-4.1%."

It was busy but there were no lines at my polling place in Springfield but I went before 8 a.m. if McCain proves the pollsters wrong, then it will be interesting to see if that industry survives as it will have lost considerable credibility.

I voted for Obama – no surprise there – even though he wasn't my candidate in the primaries. We can't afford a guy like McCain who has shown so little judgement as to select his vice presidential candidate without proper vetting.

Boy, I wonder who got fired over this?

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