Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The next chapter in the Springfield trash saga:

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and members of the Springfield Department of Public Works and others will hold a press conference on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 10 a.m. at the Western Massachusetts Recycling Facility, located at 84 Birnie Avenue.

During the press conference, officials will announce details of a pilot program scheduled to begin on Sept. 20th in a small section of the City of Springfield. The pilot program is aimed at increasing the rate of recycling by providing residents with the convenience of single-stream recycling. Currently, Springfield residents are required to separate their recyclables into two groups: paper and plastic. Single-stream recycling will allow residents to mix those items into one cart. The wheeled cart is the exact size of the carts currently used for weekly trash disposal (95 gallon) and will be labeled “For Recycling Only.”

The City of Springfield will carefully study the impact of single stream recycling on the overall recycling rate for those neighborhoods included in the pilot. If successful, the move to single stream recycling will be implemented in phases citywide.

“The concept of recycling is essential to the City of Springfield’s future,” said Mayor Domenic J. Sarno. “Our land fills are near capacity, our waste removal costs continue to rise and we must do all we can to protect our precious green space, which has gained national acclaim. I’m very excited that this one program will allow us to impact all of those areas by making it more convenient to throw away less by recycling more.”

During the press conference, officials will identify those Springfield households included in the pilot program and they will also discuss details of the project.

We currently separate metal from plastic from paper because otherwise it won't be accepted. My neighbors however seem to be able to use their sole blue box for everything.

1 comment:

  1. And Oh Boy! Their using my neighborhood for their test case! I like my little blue bins. We have 2 and for us that's enough, but now we're going to get these hideously large light blue bins that we'll be wheeling around. Between the 2 of us, we'll never fill it unless they pick up the recyclables on a monthly basis. How much do these bins cost? I thought we were looking to save money as a City, not to be blowing it on another lame-ass trash scheme to make our Mayor look like he's trying to uphold his campaign promises.
