Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Please could some Republican out there explain the following to me?

MassGOP Honors Governor Mitt Romney

Boston, MA - The Massachusetts Republican Party will honor former Governor Mitt Romney at a Lincoln-Reagan dinner tomorrow night, June 24, at the Westin Copley Place. This event is open press.
WHO: Governor Mitt Romney
Governor William Weld
Chairman Peter Torkildsen
Republican National Committeeman Ron Kaufman
Comedian Lenny Clarke

WHAT: Lincoln Reagan Dinner Honoring Governor Mitt Romney

WHERE: The Westin Copley Place
America Ballroom - 4th Floor
10 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA, 02116

WHEN: Press Set-Up Time: 5:45
Doors Close: 6:30

SET UP: There will be a Mult-Box
Throw From Riser is 65 Feet
TV Lighting On Stage

What in the name of all that is holy has the Mittster done to deserve being honored? Does he still even live in the Bay State? Are they going to talk about his legislative triumphs? His dedication to the job and the state? His support of Kerry Healey in the last election? His flip-flopping as a national candidate? His criticism of John McCain followed by his kissing up to him?

There are so many thing is life I don't get – What the hell is the purpose of a doo rag? Why do young women think wearing sweat pants with the word "juicy" on the butt is somehow acceptable? Why does anyone think that Bill Clinton is relevant after how he behaved during his wife's campaign? Why Americans aren't rioting in the streets over the price of gas? Why isn't "The Soup" on every night? – and this is one of them.

© 2008 by Gordon Michael Dobbs


  1. Mike -

    They're honoring him for actually making it to the Governorship (is that a word?) of the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts.

    That is no small achievement!!

    (BTW, nice to hear Tom Vannah flirting with openly wishing Muffy had won the last one ;-)

  2. I'm not Republican and won't attempt to explain it. I think Dusty is probably right.

    I'd just like to chime in and say anybody who let that insane "must have health insurance or pay the state higher taxes" law pass on his watch ought to be bludgeoned.

  3. Guys, guys...Haven't we had a Republican governor for year?

    And Mark, you need to club Romney and the Democratic controlled Legislature.

    What would be you solution concerning the health care issue?

  4. Ahem..years

    and your

  5. Mikey, you're always wanting SOLUTIONS! I thought the whole idea was just to bitch!

    KIDDING of course. I have a solution but you won't like it. REPEAL! The way it was before was not perfect, but it was better than punishing people who can't afford health care, or wish to take their chances without it. And where does that punishment money go? Into the vast pool of government money to be spent foolishly, I assume. It's crazy, I tell ya!

    And yes, it was not JUST Mitt that allowed that law to pass. But he should have put up a big stink, instead of hailing it as some big health care solution. The big JERK!
