Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Well, our Springfield didn't win the Simpson's movie contest and I'm a little disappointed. I thought the video that was produced was solid and funny and should have been a contender (we came in fourth).

Springfield VT won the national contest. Please, no gloating Steve!

Some of the people at work didn't vote for ours which drive me nuts. For our community this was not so much about having a premiere, but about economic development and civic pride. Too many people kick the crap out of Springfield and this effort was designed to do something different and positive.

Supposedly we still getting some sort of "special" screening whatever that means. I'm still seeing the film, but it would have been great thing for this city to land a little more positive national press.

© 2007 by Gordon Michael Dobbs


  1. Gloat, gloat.

    Sorry, Marty.

    Listen, Springfield VT needs this more than you know. Your Springfield could beat the living shit out of our Springfield with its population tied behind its back. Oh, wait, your previous Mayor already did that...

  2. I said no gloating!

  3. That some Springfield residents were voting for other Springfield videos pissed me off. Like you said, the contest was about more than a video. It was about international recognition, tourism, and civic pride.

    152,000 people and only 11,000 votes. That's pretty sad.

    Most of the people who put down Springfield are quick to blame others for its reputation. But its things like this that show the bashers and do-nothings are just as much to blame.

    There was one poster at Masslive who actually suggested we charter a bus and go up to see the Vermont premier - just to show what "good losers" we are.


  4. I think having Ted Kennedy saying "Chowda" should have decided the issue right there.

    Also, producer Scully is from West Springfield. His brother lives across the street from us.

  5. Gloat.

    Oh, I meant, 'bloat.' Sorry, Mike. I misspoke.

  6. Yeah, I thought we had a legit shot, too. My biggest disappointment is that our concept so closely mirrored that of other videos. In a task like this, I believe people are looking for "originality"; something that they don't expect. And when I saw several vids with the host of a news program discussing Groening's travels through their own Spfld... my heart sank.

    I'll say this for VT, thier vid WAS different from all the others... for that I applaud them (and applaud the 17 year old weiner who made it. Bastard.)

  7. Oh, it'll all blow over. It won't make or break either town. I'm glad a buncha Hollywood Liberals ain't coming to MY town! Let 'em go up to Vermont and kanoodle in the back row with the Brattleboro Nudist!

  8. Sigh -- well, it's Friday the 13th, and Springfield VT is still the winner of the contest. Just sayin', is all.

  9. Well, it's all happening in Springfield, VT today! Tonight! Right now! And to think, it coulda been Springfield, MA.

  10. I am one of 200 volunteers who appeared in the winning Springfield Vermont video. After we helped our local Chamber of Commerce win the contest, they turned their backs on us. We should have been first on the invitation list to view the world premiere but instead our seats were given to the more elite members of the community. And then not even a word of thanks or mention of us in the public ceremony outside the theater. Read more and experience the sights and sounds of a big time movie premiere in a small town at our new website:

    The Simpsons Springfield Vermont
