Monday, October 02, 2006

I posted the draft of the first chapter of my Fleischer book over on Made of Pen and Ink. Check it out! Chapter Two should come aboard some time this week.

Hey, I'll be joining my pal Marty Langford (Magadelina's Brain) at his table at the Rock and Shock Convention in Worcester, MA, Oct. 14 and 15. Marty will be selling his and other independent movies and I will have a new product firmly aimed at the disenfranchised....a black silicone wristband that reads I HATE PEOPLE.

Yes it's a wristband for the rest of us! Inkwell Productions is back in business with something no one needs but I hope a lot of people will want!

Big bad Steve Bissette will be making an super duper rare convention appearance by joining us on Sunday. He'll have goodies to sell and sign as well. If you are a Bissette fan this may be your only chance to see Steve at a convention for years to come! It's hard to pry him out of his Vermont mountain compound! We had to use a crowbar!

We may have a couple of other guests at the table as well, but they have yet to be confirmed. Our spot will be the place to be. I will be handing out complimentary Squirrel Nut Zippers as long as they last.

Google Rock and Shock and get the latest details.

© 2006 Gordon Michael Dobbs. Boy, I hope I haven't offended any one!


  1. It figures, the one weekend where I have to work and I have a Greyhound event, and you've managed to tear Spider out of his layer. Damn! Well enjoy the show and save a wristband for me. I'll swing by and collect it sometime.


  2. You wanta take a couple of YEAHBUTTS and see if they sell?
