Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I've started an experiment at a new blog titled Made of Pen and Ink. It's the first draft of my book on Max and Dave Fleischer, their cartoons and studio. It will be posted a chunk at a time without illustrations in the effort of pre-selling to an audience and attracting a publisher.

With the announcement that Warner Home Video will be presenting the Fleischer Popeyes on DVD, now is an opportune time for a book on the studio that made these and so many other classic cartoons.

If you're interested in animation, then I hope you'll bookmark Made of Pen and Ink.


  1. Mike,
    Can you post a link to your new blog?

    Mark Masztal

  2. ...and by the way, you've inspired me to start my own blog.

    Can't leave you and Steve Bissette having all of the fun.

    Mark M

  3. Howdy Mark
    The link is there...Made of Pen and Ink!
