Sunday, June 18, 2006

Popeye on DVD at last!?
(seem here is the late, great Jack Mercer, the man who was Popeye's voice for almost 50 years)

The announcement that Warner Brothers has signed a deal with King Features to bring the Fleischer Popeyes to DVD is one that I've been waiting for years to read.

And I'm elated that there are clearly many Fleischer/Popeye fans who welcome the release as the many posts on the animation newsgroup would show.

I've detailed my association with researching the Fleischer Studios on this blog. I am renewing my efforts to put my research in print.

Because of the friendships I've made over the years while doing the research, I have to say that the Fleischer cartoons in general, but particularly the Popeye shorts are much more than my favorite things to watch. The cartoons have played an important role in my life and clearly the lives of many other fans.

One of the best evenings of my life was spent interviewing Jack Mercer in his New York City home. He was a gracious, modest guy and it was a treat to meet him.

Let's hope that the success of this release will spur Paramount to release the Betty Boops on DVD, as well as Universal to produce a best of Walter Lantz collection. And hey, there should be a Terrytoons collection as well.

© 2006 by Gordon Michael Dobbs. My words alone, so blame me.


  1. Well are they doing it or ain't they? Why does your headline say "at last?" with a question mark?

    We are easily confused out here. Your sophisticated and subtle punctuation scares me!

  2. What is your source for the Warner Brothers announcement?

  3. Check out this link for the Warner Home Video press release. Be sure to check out the whole site for mucho Popeye goodness.
